Treasure Hunts are a new development where people follow clues and visit different websites to solve short questions or even riddles. Try to solve the Treasure Hunts below.

London Eye Treasure Hunt

London Eye Treasure Hunt
The Millennium Wheel
Activity description: Accept the challenge and search for the information required below. If you are an expert surfing on the net just click on the Millenium Wheel picture and find out the answers for the questions below by yourself; If you need help just click on each question. Good luck!


1. Getting here: Which are the nearest underground stations?

2. Opening Times: Which are the opening times in July?

3. Tickets Fare: What is the fare for 14 year old boys and adults?

4. Optionals: What is a digiguide? What is the fare?

5. Parties: How much do you pay for a children party? What is included?

British National Festivities Treasure Hunt

British National Festivities Treasure Hunt

British National Days Treausure Hunt

These are the national days in the different countries in UK. Click on each one to find out the following questions:

Saint George’s
Saint David’s Day
Saint Andrew’s Day

1. Who were they?

2. Which country are they patrons of?

3. What date are these national days celebrated on?

4. How do local people celebrate these days?

5. How long have they been celebrated?

Andalusia's Day. 28th February

Andalusia's  Day.  28th February
After the fall of Franco’s dictatorship a group of youths flew a flag from the Giralda and demanded autonomy for Andalusia. On 4th December 1977, the now date known as Andalusia’s first national day, approximately two million people went out into the street claiming the same right to autonomy as Catalonia, the Basque country and Galicia. Eventually, Andalusia gets the autonomy on 28th February 1980.

Andalusia's Day Treasure Hunt.

On the 28th February, offices close and white and green flags are dusted down to be displayed once more with pride. But what exactly are we celebrating? Click here to answer the questions below.

Q. What are we celebrating on Andalusia Day?

Q. What have been the benefits of autonomy in the region?

Q. When was the concept of Andalusia born?

Q. How will we remember this period in Andalusian history?

Find out why these people were important for Andalusia.

Find out why these people were important for Andalusia.

Global Warming Treasure Hunt

Global Warming Treasure Hunt

Global Warming. Panic or reality?

Global warming is already under way. The evidence is vast and the urgency of taking action becomes clearer with every new scientific study. Some of the most obvious signs are visible in the Arctic, where rising temperatures and melting ice are dramatically changing the region’s unique landscapes and wildlife—as well as people’s lives and livelihoods. Across the globe, other early warning signs include melting glaciers, shifting ranges of plants and animals, and the earlier onset of spring.


1. What is global warming?

2. What is the process involved in the greenhouse effect?

3. What signs warn us about global warming?

4. Can you quote another term for global warming?


What can we do to stop global warming? Suggest five ideas.


What do these recycling symbols mean?

Go Green - Save the Planet!

Go Green - Save the Planet!

Save the Planet Treasure Hunt

Help as to safe the planet. Answer the questions below.
Click here to find the information.

1. How many tonnes of paper and cardboard are used each year in the UK ?

2. How many kilos of paper does a person use in the UK ?

3. How many trees does it take to 1 ton of newspaper ?

How many plastic bottles are used per day ?

5. How long can plastic take to decompose ?

6. Fill in this chart

A recycled…

Will save enough energy to power…


glass bottle

plastic bottle

7. What can I do to safe the planet?

Treasure Hunt: Children's Rights

Treasure Hunt: Children's Rights

Children's rights are the perceived human rights of children with particular attention to the rights of special protection and care afforded to the young. The Universal Children’s Day is celebrated every 20th of November. Find out your rights.

Rights to live and growth

Right to be care for

Right to be protected

Right to have a say

Right to be yourself

Right to learn and play

The Cook Treasure Hunt

The Cook Treasure Hunt
Do you like cooking?

South African Recipe

Here is a favourite traditional Mutton Curry recipe.
1.5 kg boneless mutton shoulder
15 ml curry powder
5 ml turmeric
10 ml salt
2 ml black pepper
3 cloves
2 bay leaves
2 carrots
250g apricots
125ml wine vinegar
500ml meat stock

There are three ingredients missing. Click here to find them out.

Solar System Treasure Hunt

You are the captain of the USS Copernicus. Your job is to safely take your new crew on a voyage through the Solar System. Before you can leave you must prepare yourself by gathering as much information as possible about the Solar System. Here is a list of questions to help you prepare for your voyage. Click here for help.

1. If you leave the Earth traveling towards the Sun which planet will you come to first?
a. Pluto b. Neptune c. Mercury d. Venus

2. Which planet has the strongest gravity?
a. Earth b. Jupiter c. Saturn d. Mars

3. Which planet does not have rings?
a. Uranus b. Jupiter c. Saturn d. Mercury

4. Which of the following planets has no moons?
a. Earth b. Venus c. Saturn d. Mars

5. In your own words. What part of the Solar System do you think is most interesting? Why?

Extreme Weather Quiz

Extreme Weather Quiz
Taking a look at your bedroom one day, your mom might have said you were a like natural disaster, but which one? Take our totally unscientific quiz to discovery your disaster personality.

Newsroom Treasure Hunt

Become a journalist.

If you want to be a journalist, you should know the different parts of a newsroom and jobs. Click here to answer the questions below.

What is the editor’s job?
What is the subeditor’s job?
What is the meeting area?
What is the picture desk?
What is the newsdesk?
What is the studio?



Activity: Copy the questions below in your copybook. Click on each one and find out the answers. Good luck!

What are the names of the two zoos?

What do modern zoos do for wild animals?

The animal records have been kept at ZSl London Zoo since 1828. How many animals are kept today?

Pop Music Treasure Hunt

Pop Music Treasure Hunt
Green Day

What do you know about these groups?

Activity description: Accept the challenge and search for the information required below. If you are an expert surfing on the net just click on the Green day picture and find out the answers for the questions below by yourself; If you need help just click on each question. Good luck!

Robbie Williams.

What is his real name?

When did he start?

Which music band did he start in?

Guess how old he is now.

Green Day.

When were they formed?

What instrument does "treé cool" play?

When was "21st century" released?

How many records have they sold in USA?

Mister Sergio's Web

Mister Sergio's Web
Visit Mister Sergio's new website

Spelling City.

Learning Spelling is easy with Spelling City. Test yourself.


Enjoy this animal game from ZSL LONDON ZOO


Create your own children's sketch book and win a family pass to London Zoo.


Write a report about yourself.

Disaster Personality Quiz

Disaster Personality Quiz
Scientists warn that global climate change is already causing dangerous changes in the weather. How much do you know about the extremes of weather we’ve already seen and those that might befall us?
Click here to start!

GAME: Newsreader

GAME: Newsreader
Read the teleprompter and become a re a TV presenter

Game: The star commander's secret message

Game: The star commander's secret message
The star commander has just sent you a secret message. To unscramble it you must answer the questions below. When you are finished place the letters in the correct order at the bottom of the page.

1. What was the name of the first satellite NASA sent to Mars?










2. What was the name of the first shuttle to be launched?










3. When scientists use more then one telescope to look at the same object it is called a
















4. What is the name of the probe which fell into the Atlantic Ocean after NASA attempted to send it to Mars?










5. The Space _______ will one day be replaced by cheaper, faster, and better space craft.









6. The most powerful telescope in the world is the
























7. The first astronauts to travel to distant stars might use what to get up to light speed instead of engines.







8. Through the work done by astronauts during shuttle missions scientists learn the effects of weightlessness on








9. The Viking 1 and Viking 2 missions consisted of both an orbiter, and a








10. The biggest canyon on Mars is much bigger than the
















Secret Message:


















































Lemon Tree song:
Under construction
Memorise picture with words and sing the song reading the pictures.

Lyrics: Lemon Tree - Fool's Garden

Song: Lemon Tree - Fool's Garden

University of Cambridge
Practice Key English Test.
Reading & Writing - KET 1
Reading & Writing - KET 2

viernes, 17 de diciembre de 2010

jueves, 16 de diciembre de 2010

Merry Christmas 2010

Click to play this Smilebox greeting
Create your own greeting - Powered by Smilebox
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miércoles, 15 de diciembre de 2010

martes, 22 de diciembre de 2009